Wednesday, July 05, 2006

In the Beginning...

I couldn't just setup a blog and not post anything now.... could I?
I've lost count on the number of blogs I have now setup and never ever posted to (apart from the obligatory initial post). Each time I do this I seem to get inspired by some comment/forum/newspaper article/scrawling on wall...

This time it was Gadgets, Games and Geeks - a semi-conference for geeks on (wait for it..) gadgets and games. I term it a semi-conference or perhaps a better term would be conference-in-the-making. Why? Perhaps the best response would be to paraphrase what one of the organisers said 'We initially were going to have a gaming convention where we just came and played x-box games but this has turned into something much more.' Unassuming and not pretending to be anything more than it was - a chance for geeks (sorry - IT professionals) to speak their mind and show off how cool what they have been doing is (and of course the chance to win an iPod nano - I'm sure that wasn't the reason people came though I still do wonder why there were 3 business cards with the same name in the draw to win the iPod.)

So how does this even remotely relate to me setting up a blog...

It all comes down to the keynote speaker Paul Reynolds an IT consultant/commentator. His keynote address on the digital revolution and the internet was interesting and talked about the three intersecting circles of ... let's just call it IT shall we? So what are these three circles? Well the three circles (vaguely) are:
  1. the circle of the bloggers and general masses
  2. the circle of the IT professionals in business (trying to do something creative and make a buck)
  3. the circle of the government institutions, libraries etc who need the net and see it as part of their way forward
His point (and Paul will have to excuse me if I've missed the point completely) was that intersecting all these is the giant triangle with the large question mark - the all see-ing, all know-ing, all do-ing integration point and that 'we', that is the geeks (I mean IT professionals) hold the key and hence, determine the way forward for this integrating triangle.

So how does all this relate to why I started an umpteenth blog? More will be revealed in Part 2!

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